Blue Bell Hill

Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!

Throughout the term, we are continuing to try to become more like our Captains – Captain Reciprocity, Captain Reflective, Captain Resilience and Captain Resourceful. This half term we are trying to be more fantastic like Captain Resourceful; we are going to concentrate on becoming more independent with our learning through using the things around us to support our understanding and produce some amazing work. Furthermore, the children will develop a variety of skills whilst rehearsing for, and putting, on a show titled, Dragon Days’.


Our topic this half term is ‘Religions Across the World’ and we will be focusing on a variety of religions from around the world; learning about what they believe and the customs associated with each.


Important Notices:

We will be doing PE on a Tuesday – please make sure PE kit is in school EVERY DAY.

We will also be doing strings (violin, viola or cello) every Tuesday every morning.

Please make sure that reading books and diaries are in school EVERY DAY, these will be changed on a Monday (4A) and a Tuesday (4B)



In English this half term, we will be starting with writing a non-chronological report about the religion of Islam. Within this, we will study the key features of this religion and how it is practiced. We will also be writing a newspaper report about the story of Joseph and the Technicolor Dream coat. After this, we will be writing a diary from the perspective of Noah using information from the Bible to learn about the story of Noah’s Ark. We will be using our writing toolkits to help us with our writing and always aiming high with our vocabulary choices.


To help your child at home:

  • Read with them at least 3 times a week
  • You could ask your child about the features of our writing tool kits for the different pieces of writing we do.
  • Support your child with practising their spellings at home, asking them about the rules and the meaning of the words.



In maths this half term, we will be starting learning how to tell the time on both the 24-hour and the 12-hour clock using analogue and digital time. After this, the children will spend time learning about decimals. This will involve teaching the idea that decimals are part of a whole number, and then using these to understand the concept of money as a decimal system. The children will also be completing weekly Superhero Times-table tests. Furthermore, Year 4 children will be spending time focusing on learning their times tables off by heart ready for the Multiplication Check in Summer 2.


To help your child at home:

You could practice all of the times tables 

You could practice using formal methods of multiplication and division

You could practice finding fractions of amounts and adding them together



In science this half term, we will continue learning about sound. We will be learning how sounds are made through vibrations, looking at patterns and pitch of a sound and also looking at the link between the volume of the sound and the strength of the vibration.


To help your child at home:

You could ask your child to listen to different sounds and see if they can notice the pitch

You could ask your child to think about how different sounds are made.

You could ask your child to look out for vibrations when listening to music


Throughout the half term, our topic lessons will be linked to the religions we will be studying. This will include learning and practicing various skills in a range of topics. For example, the children will be learning to utilise their art and D&T skills to create Noah’s Ark inspired boats and applying these skills when creating bridges. Year 4 will also be researching, designing and creating Divas using clay.