Blue Bell Hill

Primary School

Year 2

 Welcome to Year 2!


Throughout the year, we are trying to become more like our Captains – Captain Reciprocity, Captain Reflective, Captain Resilience and Captain Resourceful. This half term we are trying to be more awesome like Captain Resilience; we are working hard on managing our distractions so that we can set learning goals and work towards them. 

  • P.E is on Fridays - please make sure your child has their P.E kit in school.  P.E. kits include a t-shirt, a pair of shorts or jogging bottoms and a pair of trainers or plimsolls.  Please ensure that children do not have any earrings in or jewellery on.
  • Please make sure you read with your child (and write it in their reading diaries) at least 3 times a week as this is an important part of their reading development.  We will count up their number of reads and change their reading books on a Monday or Tuesday. 
  • Please make sure your child has their book bag and their book in school every day.
  • Please remember to check our class notice boards for any other information and to see what your child is learning in class.


In English, we are focusing our learning around our topic of ‘Mythical Creatures’.  This will include looking at unicorns, dragons, mermaids and many others in a range of texts such as non-fiction, fact files, character descriptions, play scripts and poems. 

We will be practicing our spellings in class weekly and these will also be sent home- please practice these at home with your child.  We will also be practicing phonics and handwriting daily.  A big focus this year will be on our handwriting, where we will be persevering with correct letter formation and working towards joining our letters in a cursive form.

You can help your child at home by:

  • Regularly practicing their spellings with them
  • Reading regularly and recording this in their reading dairies; remember, this could be anything and is not limited to their home reading book
  • Asking the children questions about what they have read, before during and after reading



In Mathematics, we will be learning about money, 2D shapes and 3D shapes in the mornings and doing additional arithmetic maths lessons on some afternoons. The children will need to use their reading skills to read word problems, where they will have to apply their number and calculation skills (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Additionally, the children will be exploring different types of graphs and how to record and analyse the data that is shown.  We will also focus this year, on using our mathematical knowledge to reason, thinking about different ways to solve problems, choosing the best and most efficient methods to do this.

You can help your child at home by:

  • Practising their two, five, ten and three times tables
  • Showing them and exploring different coins and notes with them
  • Solving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems



In Science, we are going to be developing our knowledge about animals.  This will include, looking at their body features, exploring habitats, learning about what animals eat and food chains.  Throughout our science learning, we will be using the following skills by working scientifically: predicting, investigating, conducting experiments, recording, questioning, analysing and concluding. 

You can help your child at home by:

  • Looking at different animals that they might see every day in the world around them
  • Discussing different habitats when you’re out and about
  • Encouraging your child to ask different questions


Our topic this half term is ‘Mythical Creatures’.  We will be using our topic of ‘Mythical Creatures’ to make lots of links in our learning across the curriculum.  This will include artwork where we will be exploring the creations of illustrators and creating our own mythical creatures.  In Design and Technology, we will be linking our learning to our troll character description by designing and creating a 3D model of a bridge.  In Geography, we are going to explore the different continents and oceans of the world and throughout our PSHE learning, we will be diving deeper into relationships within the community and how we can keep ourselves safe. 


Useful websites:


