Blue Bell Hill

Primary School


Information Report 2019-2020

The Legislation surrounding pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities uses the term SEND. For the purpose of this document, we will also be using the term SEND. In line with our school’s ethos however, in all other matters, we will be referring to pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, as having ‘Additional Needs’. This terminology will be used by all staff in school. What types of special needs does the school make provision for?

We aim to provide every student with access to a broad and balanced education. This includes the National Curriculum in line with the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice: 0-25 years. We believe that provision for students with special educational needs is the responsibility of the whole school community requiring a whole school response.

Our work is guided by: The Children and Families Act 2014, the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice 2015: 0-25 (last updated May 2015), regulation 51 and schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. We support students who may be experiencing difficulties in the following areas:

  • Sensory and Physical
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health

What are the school’s admissions arrangements for children with SEND?

All matters referring to admission arrangements can be found in the schools admissions policy which can be accessed on the school website. The admission arrangements for all students are in accordance with national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. This includes children with any level of SEND; those with Education, Health and Care Plans and those without.


How does the school know if children need help?

The school endeavours to highlight and understand any additional needs that children may have. They do this by gathering information from previous settings, from parents and from other professionals working with the child. The teacher then monitors the children’s progress and behaviour. Children who are not making adequate progress will be highlighted and needs hopefully met through careful planning of intervention groups. If the child is still not making progress in line with national average, the school will look at assessment tools to highlight the problem areas. Parental involvement is key in this process. If this level of progress continues, then the child will be highlighted as having additional needs, at which point advice is taken from outside agencies.

What should I do if I think my child has special educational needs?

Firstly, it is important to have a conversation with your child’s class teacher. It may highlight that we need to monitor your child. From this meeting you can discuss progress and any concerns you may have. You can also ask to talk to the SENCo to discuss any concerns you may have. If you have concerns over your child’s health or medical needs, you can see your local GP. You can also ask your doctor to refer your child for further assessments; e.g. to a local paediatrician, if you are still concerned.

How will the school know how well my child is doing?

Your child’s class teacher will monitor how well they understand what is being taught within each lesson by listening to their responses, talking to them within lessons, watching to see how they respond and by marking their work. In addition, they will monitor the ways in which your child interacts with other children and adults, within the setting. Your child’s progress will be assessed against the national expectations for children of the same age in all curriculum areas. This will be done as an on-going process and more formally every half term. The class teacher will alter their teaching and the work provided to match your child’s needs and continue to monitor their progress and possibly take advice from the SENCo if they do not make expected progress. Staff will also monitor how well your child mixes with other children, speaks and listens within school and is able to express their emotions. Within this environment, all staff will monitor emotional, social and mental well-being of children.


How will the school know what they are providing is helping my child make progress?

The Head teacher, Deputy Head teacher and other senior leaders carry out lesson observations in all classes, every half term to ensure that the teaching is effective. They make recommendations to staff on how to provide for individual needs within their class. The Head teacher, Deputy Head teacher and other senior leaders also carry out regular monitoring of children’s books to look at progress, presentation, age appropriate teaching, coverage of the curriculum and differentiation (matching the work provided to the different needs of all the pupils). They will make recommendations to teachers on any areas for development. For children who are on the SEND list, class teachers will plan interventions that may require the child to be taken out of class individually or in a small group for extra support or be supported within class. The impact of the interventions on your child’s progress will be monitored by the class teacher and SENCo. Reviews are held every term for the pupils on the SEND list with the class teacher and SENCo. If the child is highlighted as having additional needs that require specialist teaching, reviews are also held with parents. The child’s progress is discussed and a plan is put together to ensure further progress. The Governing Body will report annually to parents, in accordance with section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014, on the success of the SEND policy and provision. Children’s progress will provide evidence for the success of the Special Educational Needs policy.

How will the school staff support my child and how will the curriculum be matched to their needs?

The Governing Body will endeavour to ensure that resources are available to support appropriate provision for all students requiring it. All students with SEND will have access to the school’s SEN budget to assist them in a way the senior management deem appropriate. The school may make an application to the Local Authority for some students with significant higher level SEND needs, who will determine whether the level and complexity of need meets the threshold for this funding. Teachers provide quality first teaching and a differentiated curriculum to ensure the learning and teaching styles used match the needs and levels of ability of all pupils within the class. If a child needs further support and is placed on the SEND list parents/carers will be informed and an individual provision map will be completed by the class teacher and teaching assistant detailing the child’s area of need, targets set for the child and what, how, when and by whom support will be given. This will be reviewed every half term by the SENCo, teacher and teaching assistant to assess the effectiveness of the plan. If a child needs further specialised support, the SENCo will take advice from outside professionals who specialise in supporting children with varying needs. In some very specific cases a child may need a high level of support and a totally personalised curriculum. In these situations, the school, in negotiation with outside professionals and parents, may apply for additional High Level Needs funding or specialised equipment to meet the needs of the child. In a very few cases, parents/carers may be advised to apply for an Education and Health Care Plan to support very complex and significant needs. The school would support the parents/carers in this process. More information can be found at the following link:

What training have the staff working with pupils with SEND received?

  • All staff have accessed safeguarding training.
  • We have 5 qualified first aiders.
  •  A number of staff have accessed moving and handling training for specific pupils
  • We have a number of staff who are BSL level one trained
  • We have a number of staff who are Makaton trained
  • We have a number of staff who are specifically trained to deliver physiotherapy for specific children
  • All class teachers are fully qualified and we have a number of level one, two, three and four teaching assistants. All staff access regular training through INSET, staff meetings as well as through outside events.
  • The SENCo undergoes regular training with local and national providers ; he has the NASENCo qualification.
  • We have three members of senior management who have undergone the Designated Safeguarding training.

How accessible is the school?

The school has a range of specialist SEND facilities in place. These are:

  • Toilets and changing facilities suitable for disabled pupils, staff and visitors.
  • The building is wheelchair accessible throughout
  • Wide corridors making movement around the building easier for students with SEND.
  • SEND Sensory Room
  • High Cost Equipment is accessed through the Local Authority to meet the needs of specific pupils.
  • Calming room

Who should I contact if I have any questions or concerns?

For general information about the school you can contact us by:

Telephone: 0115 9151161 Email:

For specific information regarding SEND support within school you can contact the SENCo, Mr Frank McGrath, on the above numbers and email.

Who should I contact if I have a complaint or concern about the SEND provisions being made at the school?

The School’s Complaints Procedure should be used if the need arises. Details are available on the school website or from the school office. If a parent or carer has any concerns or complaints regarding the care or welfare of their student, an appointment can be made by them to speak to the SENCO, who will be able to advice on formal procedures for complaint.

If a parent or carer has any concerns or complaints regarding the SNECO, an appointment can be made by them to speak to the Head Teacher, who will be able to advice on formal procedures for complaint.

Where can I access more information?

More details about the reforms and the SEND Code of Practice can be found on the Department for Education’s website:

Information on the Nottingham City Local Offer can be accessed on the Nottingham City Council’s website:

Further information from the Local Authority can be accessed the link below:

Blue Bill Hill Primary School’s SEND policy is available on the school website found at: 


SEND Policy

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SEND Expenditure

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SEND Impact

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