Blue Bell Hill

Primary School

Year 6

 Welcome to Year 6!

For all information on SATs, click here.

This term our topic is World War II!


In English we will be studying the brilliant “Letters from the Lighthouse” by Emma Carroll, where children will be taught to use a range of sophisticated punctuation and sentence types, including relative and subordinate clauses. We will also focus on including the subjunctive form and the passive voice. We will be practising our inference and retrieval skills daily, and building up our ability to read fluently.


In maths, we will begin by looking at number and place value for numbers up to 1,000 000. After that, we will be focusing on rounding and long division, before moving onto fractions, decimals and percentages. The children will be doing an arithmetic paper weekly to help to build up their knowledge of four operations and prepare them for their SATs tests in May.


In our Enquiry subjects we will be immersing ourselves into World War II. In history we will be learning about a variety of things, from women during the war, evacuation, rationing, propaganda and the holocaust (among others!) In D&T the children will be designing, building and evaluating the strength of their own Anderson shelters, and then cooking their own rationing war-time menu.

In Geography, we will be practising our atlas skills by learning the route that the Nazis took through Europe, and focusing on the allies and axis. In French, we will begin by learning about food and drink, and move onto learning how to read about stories from World War II in French and translate them into English.

During our RE lessons, we will be learning all about the Jewish faith, with a focus on festivals, customs and practices. Throughout our computing lessons, we will be learning how to code a programme independently. In our art lessons, we will be creating our own Blitz art, using charcoals and blending techniques, and then a unit of work on the artist Banksy, where we will create our own art in his style.

Spelling tests will take place every Tuesday, with Superhero times table tests taking place every Thursday. PE will be every Friday. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to come and see one of the team!