Blue Bell Hill

Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Throughout the year, we are trying to become more like our Captains – Captain Reciprocity, Captain Reflective, Captain Resilience and Captain Resourceful. This half term we are trying to be more awesome like Captain Resilient. We are going to concentrate on becoming engrossed and enjoying our learning, managing our distractions, not giving up when things are tricky and taking responsibility for myself.

Our topic this half term is, ‘Music’ and we will be focusing on how music has changed over the years and creating own music using different instruments.

Important Notices:

  • We will be doing PE on a Friday – please make sure PE kit is in school EVERY DAY
  • Please make sure that reading books and diaries are in school EVERY DAY.

Please remind your child to practice their spellings and times tables. Every child should have their own login for spelling shed and TTRockstar.


In English this half term, we will be starting with writing newspaper articles based around the book ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’. We will be using our writing toolkits to help us with our writing and always aiming high with our vocabulary choices. We are then going to move onto writing playscripts and poems.

To help your child at home:

  • Read with them at least 3 times a week
  • You could ask your child about the features of our writing tool kits for the different pieces of writing we do.

Practice your child’s spellings at home, asking them about the rules and the meaning of the words.


In maths this half term we will be focusing on length, mass and volume. We will be looking at converting different units of measure and further developing this into word problems. Children will be taking measurements from scales, rulers, liquid containers ect independently.  

The children will also be completing weekly Superhero Times-table tests.

To help your child at home:

·       You could practice the 3, 4 and 8 times-tables.

·       You could count in hundreds, tens and ones, from different starting points.

·       You could practice the formal written methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.



In science this half term, we will be looking at animals including humans. We will be focusing on different kinds of nutrition animals need to survive. We will also learn about the different bones of the human skeleton. We will be investigating whether or not children with longer arms can throw further.  

To help your child at home:

  • You could ask your child to explain why all animal skeletons look different.
  • You could ask your child to name the bones in their body.


In music, we will be learning about the changes in music over time. In PE, the children will be developing their throwing and catching skills. In the classroom, we will be doing lots of work around citizenship and learning how to hold a debate, listening and talking in a respectful way. In Design and Technology, we will be researching, designing and making our own musical instrument.